Leia Unity SDK v0.6.22 Released!

The latest Leia Unity SDK v0.6.22 is now available and may be downloaded from our website or the Unity Asset Store.


  • Added convergence distance modification by handles transform.

  • LeiaDisplay support for edit mode

  • Modified LeiaConfigSettingsUI prefab to only show ACT Landscape or ACT Portrait depending upon device orientation.

  • We can copy data again using a more robust process. The other one broke with PPSV2 due to a PPSV2 issue. Remove special reference storage dictionary which was allowing us to avoid special cases. Now have special cases for root Camera reference (gets LeiaView’s reference), LeiaView (gets this LeiaView reference), and CommandBuffer (set to null to avoid tracking another Camera’s CB) There are 4 Unity PPS CBs, and 3 LeiaView CBs (2 for setting view index, 1 for un-setting view index)

  • Standardized serialization of LeiaMedia types (Texture, Video, video URL). Scenes using LeiaMediaViewer and LeiaMediaViewer variables will need to be re-serialized.

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved an issue where Leia Unity SDK and Unity’s PostProcessingStack V3 together would generate many NullReferenceExceptions every frame.

  • Resolved an issue where the convergence plane would always be drawn for full screen, even when LeiaCamera’s ViewportRect was smaller than full screen.


The latest documentation is available at Unity SDK Guide - Developer Docs

Happy creating in Lightfield!


I got to work with it at MIT Reality Hack. What can I do next? I’d like to create some apps and tutorials.