LeiaFrame Idea

dunno if y’all are familiar with the divoom pixoo: Pixel Art Frame | 16*16 | App-Programmed LED | Pixoo

but it has a neat mode where it can play random animations from their user generated content gallery

it would be cool if LeiaFrame had a mode like that, where it could play things from LeiaPix and LeiaStream randomly. Maybe you could give the user an option to filter by hashtags or something like that.

Just an idea, I’m sure y’all have a million things going on. Just a neat thing I’d probably use as a desk frame when I’m not using Lume Pad.


Hey Jake!

That’s an awesome suggestion, thanks. I’ll pass that one along to the team over here.

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a simple way to implement something like this in the short term might be to add a Slideshow option in LeiaPix. where you could just initialize it for various categories like,
start slideshow #nature
start slideshow newest, most liked, subscribed, that kind of thing :slight_smile:


Thanks for saying that, Jake. I was thinking the same thing a few days ago myself.

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