Hi there! really enjoying getting hands-on with the Lume pad.
first question: is there a way to reduce the intensity of the haptic feedback system wide? I love it, but sadly its so loud that it annoys my partner across the apartment!
second question: during this promo period while all apps are free in the Leia Appstore, is Leia still compensating developers for those sales? I assume so, just wondering. thanks!
thanks for creating this futuristic product and providing such great APIs and documentation for it. Im excited to try making some passive and interactive content for the community
The other day I just deactivated haptic response, because I like to have it, but is too long.
On some keyboards there’s an option to reduce haptic feedback instead use the system default. I found most times ideal duration is between 10-20ms, because I feel it like touching a real key, fingers seems to bounce. But system default is so long that is annoying.