What now

It is very clear that the Nubia Pad 3D ii or the RedMagic 3D table explorer addition will not be on Global sale
It is not certain that the 3D table will made or be on sale in China any more.
Leia made a better screen, but globally no one could purchase this new 3D tablet.
Leia will there be a new 3D table with your new screen or is this the end.


You can order anything online. I’m a bit disappointed, though, as there doesn’t seem to be a way to share 3D images (like LeiaPix) unless it’s there and I can’t access it. Since you need an account for certain features, and you can’t create an account without a real Chinese phone number (and it’s basically impossible to fake this). Beyond that, once you get Google Play on it, it has access the whatever a standard US/EU Android device would have.