I see we can view pictures from a USB key and now SD card, and was wondering if we can also view pictures and videos stored on a NAS. Is SMB supported? If not, is it planned and when.
You can try using your NAS’s app. Select the image or video and then choose “Open in LeiaPlayer”. It works on my QNAP NASs QFile app, but your mileage may vary.
QNAP here also! So I install QFile and I’m good? Will try that. I guess that’s how I can also move all the files from NAS to internal storage?
I just tried it again and it works if you download to the device using QFile but they don’t let you stream it. It seems like they only support really specific video players, as Google Photos shows up but not the other video players on my device like Nova Player.
Anyway, if you can find an app that lets you access your NAS and open to LeiaPlayer, there’s a good chance it could work. You also may want to try experimenting with accessing the NAS through Chrome and sending the hosted video streams to LeiaTube.
I’ve tried https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ape.apps.networkbrowser and once connected with SMB I can share to different apps and LeiaTube is in the list but not LeiaPlayer. Stange!
Then I’ve tried https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wa2c.android.cifsdocumentsprovider which does only one thing, share files over SMB and LeiaPlayer is listed but all it does is open LeiaPlayer with Camera Roll images. With another File Explorer I forgot the name I got the same result.
I hope someone will have a look.
Still nothing new about this or a proper app to do this? Seems a missing basic feature.
Very much would like to see this. I can do this with my Quest VR headset - seems a no-brainer for this pad. It’s not realistic in 2024 to require downloading those huge files from our NAS in order to play them in 3D.