Leia at CES, predictions?

Three dimensions, and six fingers! :joy:

I really hope Leia have plans for at least one phone or tablet with a worldwide release this year, 2024 was disappointing. And it would be great to see more emphasis on natively authored 3D content, the generative AI slop is really not helping their brand in my opinion.

What do you hope they announce?


Hoping for a good 3D desktop monitor, but not too confident in it happening soon.

Nothing was announced, no press release, no media coverage that I could find. Three photos posted on Linkedin.

In the group shot a couple people are holding up phones, are they new 3D devices? Appears to be the same Dell prototype as last year:

Did they show a new 3D tablet that will be on sale

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That’s awesome news! Do you know if it’ll be a worldwide release?