LLP 3d 2 battery life and charging

Hi forum new owner here. Im absolutely loving this tablet it is exceptional in every aspect. I will be writing and doing a video review in a few weeks once i test everything out thoroughly. So far so good.

One thing whats the maximum charging wattage and what are you guys getting for screen on time include settings used. Im getting 18 hours of gaming on low brightness and airplane mode along with battery saver. Id like to add the screen at 1 percent brightness is suprisingly bright during most conditions indoors like before bed in a datk room or moderate light in a living room. Im also getting just over 30 hours of video play back all low min earbuds. Vlc player was used.

Also i have glasses, nerd i know. But what can i do besides get contacts and brightening room to get less glitches, its constantly changing viewpoint making veiwing the streamed 2d to 3d conversions a nightmare. I have some success with converting 2d to 3d off micro sd and standard sbs videos i own. One thing im wondering is does this tablet turn red and burn like embers after an hour of 2d to 3d conversions for you guys. Wondering if its just my sample or if others are experiencing this. I have a high ambient temperature mind you so im assuming it just the summer months ill experience this. Time to buy a ac unit for the bedroom.

So what is the fastest this tablet will charge from 0 to 80 and also 0 to 100.thanks


One thing I did was get a matte screen protector. There are none for the Lume Pad 2, but some Samsung models have similar size. This doesn’t completely solve the issue, but it cuts down (or removes) reflections, which does help a bunch.

How do I charge faster than 20w. Takes two hours to fully charge with this speed. I have a zenbook 14 oled 65w USB c power brick and for some reason it’s only outputting 20w to my lume pad 2


Just got back from store and hour ago. Bought a 65w charger and thankfully it came with a cable. Drained it to 70 and charged to 77 in about 9 min. Is this super fast charging? I’ve heard of tablets charging in 35min. This should be within striking distance. 56 percent per hour was my charge speed before and this new charger hasn’t changed anything. I still don’t see any indication of super charging or speed to back it up…I was hoping for 2 percent per minute. Getting 0.8… any help would be enlightening. Maybe it is it does seem fast charging it in under 2 hours but I was really hoping under 50min.

What’s the fastest rate this tablet charged. Thanks

It charges fast for me, though it’s a high end tablet so uses a large battery most likely.

does anyone know…like do you guys even own the tablet?

i asked politely.

so you own a lume pad2 but dont know how fast it charges?