New Lightfield Legacy Category!

Greetings 3D•AI fam! :wave:

Very excited to share that we have started a new category for celebrating all things retro 3D and Leia Inc. legacy technology! :partying_face:

Reminisce about 1st and 2nd generation LitByLeia devices including RED Hydrogen One and Lume Pad (2020), and other older 3D devices and 3D technologies like the FujiFilm FinePix W3. :camera_flash: :selfie: :video_camera:

We know so many of you have been collecting 3D technology and exploring the art form for many years so we would like to create a space where you can share your tech and discuss the history behind these devices and techniques.

:handshake: When going to 3D and XR meetups its always so fun to see people bring out classic devices and share techniques going back to analog stereo image making and holograms. I look forward to seeing all the wonderful things you share! :heart:


When I click the link I get the message " Oops That page doesn’t exist or is private."

Same to me, Links seems Brocken or settings are probably wrong.

Sorry everyone, I forgot to make it go live after Marlon announced it. It’s all live now!


When I click on the link for the app it goes only to a web page:

Nothing seems to download.

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Hi @Hostie42! Here is the link to the new Lightfield Legacy category :point_right: Lightfield Legacy - The 3D•AI Forum