3D video Player

I just got the Nubia Pad 3D and am loving it so far. One big issue for me is the lack of proper video support. I can play the video in LeiaPlayer but it doesn’t support the sound codec and also doesn’t show the correct aspect ratio. I tried in VLC and it played with sound but did not support the 3d. Is there a timeline on this? Cos this is a pretty big omission.


Just to clarify the video is 3d SBS

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We support all the most popular codecs for both video and audio.

Which codec does your video use specifically?

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DTS. But it’s also the fact it plays at the wrong aspect ratio

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The aspect ratio bug is something we haven’t seen. Would love to test it on our end. Feel free to upload the file to a cloud drive and send me a link over DM and we’ll take a look.

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DM sent

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Any news?

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I was unable to reproduce the aspect ratio issue on my end, it works perfectly on our devices.

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I’ve sorted the aspect ratio, just the sound issue now.

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As an update, I’ve tried two other videos and they played with sound, so maybe a DTS thing?

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It must be a DTS issue, the other files are ac3.

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Yes, we don’t support every codec, only the most popular ones that are open standards. But I have made a ticket for the LeiaPlayer Team to explore what it would take to support DTS.

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Hey, any news on this? DTS is a commonly used audio codec… thanks!!

did you manage to play a movie with the correct aspect ratio? I have the impression that when I rip my 3d bluray the sbs half and full are stretched to fill the screen.
Do you have a specific setting ?

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Make sure with the full and half sbs you use this naming convention, and you should be good.

Full-Width: filename_2x1.mp4

Half-Width: filename_half_2x1.mp4

But I also found the MPV 3d player works well with the SBS files and has a way you can select the exact aspect ratio if ever stretched weirdly.

I wish the Leiaplayer and MPV 3d worked with or at least better with subtitles. That is the only difficulty I still run into.