Over approx the last 2 days, l noticed an issue with my LeiaPix app not updating with the latest user images and not displaying any notifications, likes, commentary etc on my own uploaded images. I went to check if this was happening on my Red Hydrogen and original Lume Pad and it wasn’t … LeiaPix working completely fine on both those devices.
I attempted to uninstall and reinstall the LeiaPix app on my Nubia Pad 3d and it seemed to then show all the current user pics, my notifications, recent comments, likes etc … so I thought problem was resolved …But then immediately after the reinstall, the app again ‘freezes’ and doesn’t display anything ‘new’.
Any idea what the issue is here and how to go about resolving this?
Hi Eric!! Thankyou so much … I noticed a moment ago it seems to have resolved. It looks like it is now functioning normally. Not sure what happened there but looks fine now. Will let you know if it re-occurs.
Thankyou for your message and followup, l appreciate it greatly!!!
That’s good news! Unfortunately, engineering’s investigation did not find a cause for this glitch you experienced. If it recurs, please let us know at help@leiainccom and we will dive into it again.