Optionally making images available for others to print

LeiaPix being a sharing platform and also having the ability to print, have you ever considered making this a selling platform, where creators can put their creations/artwork up for sale if they want to. In other words it would allow you to
1. print your own images for price of printing only (current functionality) and
2. other images for a selling price + printing (added functionality).
I’m thinking something along the lines of redbubble.com but for 3D lenticular printing. I can see myself printing good photos and art from others for a reasonable price and I would not mind putting some of my content up on LeiaPix for others to print. This I think could enhance the sharing experience. What do you think?


I love the idea


Great idea!

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you can post the 4v format on face book, I have done this, and pick it up and view it with lume pad, I’m starting a group soon called [Leia 3D photos]

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