#PhotoFebruary 2020 Winners

Leia is proud to announce the winners of the largest Holopix contest of the year: #PhotoFebruary 2020!

We had some incredible Runner-Ups this year. Please check out the Photo February account on Holopix to give them a look. The Holopix Team will be reaching out over email for your prizes.

Here are this year’s Winners:

Josh Thornton is the Winner of #Eat4V 2020!

@Coco is the Winner of #PeoplePix 2020!

Linda Wallen is the Winner of #NaturePix 2020!

And last but not least, Josep Barbera is the Winner of #CommunityChoice 2020!

The competition this year was tough, and it was really hard for the Judges to decide on winners. There will be more Holopix Photo Contests throughout 2020 and the competition will only get fiercer from here, as Holopix grows to expand onto more devices. Thank you all for being pioneers in lightfield photography. And remember, if a photo is worth a thousand words, Holopix are worth a million!


Congratulations to all!


Woo!! Cheers, @Nima! It feels amazing to have been chosen; especially after having missed all of the others. There are so many other worthy photos!

Congrats to you all of the other winners, and runner-ups!!


Excellent news!!!
@Coco congratulations for the win!!!
And to everyone else, winners and participants alike!