3D vision? 2nd monitor?

Is this possible to have this as a second monitor , running a pc game that’s outputting side by side , over under or interlaced? Maybe 3D vision output. Is software available or in the works for something like this ?


Hey @Ghost_Maker,

Currently you can use Lume Pad as a live 3D display from PC when using the Unity Game Engine, and support for Unreal and Blender are on the way.

We’ve had others try and succeed at getting PC games working in 3D using ReShade3D and other tools. There will be more methods to use Lume Pad as a secondary display later this year.


Secondary display support would be awesome. Do you have any examples of ReShade experiments?

Hey @jakedowns,

Yeah here’s a couple of images captured from it. As you can see the Quad Lightfield image has some ghosting and convergence issues, but the SBS turned out pretty good.

Here’s the work that the developer did to add Lume Pad support: Update SuperDepth3D.fx · BlueSkyDefender/Depth3D@eebf006 · GitHub


What are the instructions to get reshade working please?