Adding LieaDispaly scirpt the screen goes yellow

Hello, I’m trying to add Lume Pad support to a existing Unity 6 project. When i add the LeiaDisplay script to the Main Camera the screen just goes yellow. I tried building to see if it was just the editor and unfortunately its not :frowning: Does anyone have any guess as to what I’m doing wrong here?

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A yellow screen usually indicates that the display isn’t receiving the correct rendering settings. Double-check that your camera’s Clear Flags are set to “Solid Color” and that the background color is configured correctly. Consider reaching out to, as they specialize in digital solutions and could provide valuable assistance.

Thank you for your response! Following up here I never really found a solution but after trying a bunch of different things I down graded my Project to another Unity Editor I had installed. In This case I’m using Unity 2021.3.22f and I was able to get it to work There! This screen is very cool! Has anyone been successful with Unity 6?