I’m new to the Leia forum and a big 3D fan… I’m currently working on Unity3D. I just bought a Lume Pad 2 a week ago since then I’ve become familiar with applications like leiapix player and leiapix frame.
I would like to know if it’s it possible
1- to batch convert 2D images to lightfield 3D?
2- to convert a 2d video mp4 video to h4v SBS?
Thanks for the info about the API. I looked at the FAQ and documentation and saw no limits. Technically I could write a script to use FFMPEG to extract every frame of a video, then obtain a depth map using the API for each frame. This of course would be thousands of frames, is this something that is acceptable? or is this too much load and therefore against some sort of terms of service, or above some sort of daily limit?
If there is a limit, do we have any ideas of the limit of API requests we could do? Maybe I could do a small 5 minute video? like 30fps, 2 minutes = 3600 frames so maybe that would be okay?
Hello, I also have a similar request. I would like to use LeaiPlayer to batch convert. It currently can do it on a single image. If you have a lot of older pictures you would like to convert, this becomes a long task.
I would like to be able to:
Select a subset of jpg images
Batch convert them into the 3D lightfield format
I tried the Leiapix and found this was just cumbersome, and I think it leaves files “somewhere”, (cloud, etc.) and I didn;t like that. Or that what it appeared to do – the documentation seemed unclear.
And LumeLink (within Leiiaplayer), connecting to my phone. Seemed to work, BUT, the limit was 10, and the converted images are stored “somewhere” on the Lumepad – and I cannpt find them. I can see them via LeiaPlayer, but they appear to be stored in an area that I cannot access.
Neither of these work for me. So, can you please ADD TO THE LEIAPLAYER THE OPTION to – Select a group of files, and – Batch convert.
OR – -----
is there a SW package out there that we can load onto a computer or tablet that will convert a JPG into the Lightfield 3D?
And BTW, the Lumepad is outstanding. The conversion to 3d for these older photos is remarkable, with the only issues being a ‘resolution’ issue – i. e. small detail can be off a little, but as explained, due to resolution – which is perfectly acceptable!