Lumi Pad 2
SDK 3.2.5
Error: An asset is marked with HideFlags.DontSave but is included in the build:
Sample scene works.
My own scene doesnt
Lumi Pad 2
SDK 3.2.5
Error: An asset is marked with HideFlags.DontSave but is included in the build:
Sample scene works.
My own scene doesnt
LeiaLogoCameraCentric doesnt work (Same error as above)
Display Centric Does
Now nothing works.
Deleted and resinstall sdk.
Now it works again.
Whats going oon guys?
Here is a hint.
If I hit play in the editor everything is corrupted and need to reinstall
Now even that doesnt work.
This seems to be very fragile.
@qzzf1w Can you please try deleting IconEye.png and Device.png files and build again?
Then is wont build.
Somehow it flips into a mode where the scene is now dependent on windows sr device code.
Restart, reinstall, can get it tow work, but as I say, very fragile.
Can you not repro this on your end?
We reproduced this issue before and it has been addressed. I will look into why this issue has become reproducible again and update it accordingly for next interaction.
Did you manage to build your scene and run it on LP2?
Yes it works.
But very fragile