Double audio, share button movable? Recently watched list?

some questions/requests:

  • Could videos be added to the main page as watched recently in the list? So we could access them from LeiaTube directly next time.
  • My youtube videos don’t auto pause when I share to LeiTube, playing double audio.
  • Is there a known way to move the Leiatube share button into the main share group in youtube? I bet that is likely a youtube thing, wondered if anyone knew a way to tweak it? Wish it wasn’t in “More”.

What an incredibly fun way to endlessly consume 3D, thank you for this!


Your feedback has been heard. We already had plans for something similar to this, hopefully we’ll be able to deliver it in one or two version updates.

Unfortunately, LeiaTube can’t talk to YouTube and tell it to pause, so if you have YouTube Premium and Background Play enabled, it will work this way. You can disable Background Play or learn more about it here:

You can also just pause the YouTube video before you share it to LeiaTube.

Or instead of sharing directly, what you can do is pause the video in YouTube first, hit share but instead copy the link to the video, switch to LeiaTube, hit the “+” button, and paste the URL there. That will make it work instantly.

So as you can see there are a few options here.

This is controlled by the Android OS, we did try to see if we could improve this and found that we couldn’t. Though you can adjust the “More” option a bit to your liking, you can’t modify the default share menu.

Thank you so much for your kind words :grin:

Thanks for the replies! Yes I have premium, I didn’t even think about that and it makes sense. I can pause heheh Thanks!

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