Holopix 2.0 Beta

For me, everything works in the other categories. It’s just the Newest category that doesn’t work correctly.

That was my next question… :smiley:

And… what happens when you try it? Nothing? Black screen?

For me it works, but when tapping a pic to see it full screen it is very slow, and not always working, need to close and open several times before pic is visible.

And going. Everytime to “new post” is annoying as you need to tap several times before you are in that catogory.
It should be the main window when you open holopix

When I tap an image in the category, the entire screen blinks like it tried to bring the image up in full-screen but failed and just stays on the Discover screen.

Plus it happens on both my phones.

Edit: I tried with cellular connection and with Wi-Fi to make sure it isn’t ISP filtering. Same results.

Tried this too, also with VPN, and some GPU settings in dev options etc. but still no repro. I think we need someone who’s familiar with the internals of any potential differences between Newest and Top 100…

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There are a variety of solutions to this. Firstly, you can always Bookmark Posts you like when you see it. Second, you can search for the User who did the Upload, if you’re following them then you’ll see all their Posts. Third, you can search for the hashtag. For example, I post a lot of #SF and #LA pictures. Fourth, we’ll have a way for users to search by Geotag using a map in our new Geopix feature coming later this year. Surprise.

It’s been affecting users inconsistently. We’ll have this fixed before release, we may do a Beta 2 with these fixes for 2.0 later this week.


Sure I know I can bookmark and thus preserve pics but this presumes that I’ve already seen these pics. If I get a filtered view on the world with only pics that are pre-selected for me in whatever way, I potentially miss some interesting ones.
I’m wiling to pay some extra bucks for keeping an all-pics view somewhere, even when hidden in the most obscure place in Holopix where nobody but me finds it.

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That’s not the case, however. The Home Feed is a mixture of Trending and Following, which is no different than before. Trending will be updated, but the only difference is that you’ll also see content that’s similar to what you like mixed in as well.

When you go to Discover you can still see everything, and can Search for anything.

I will level with you guys: we’ve had issues with people posting half-nude and fully nude photos, pictures of guns, drugs, etc. on Newest. That is absolutely unacceptable for a family-friendly app like Holopix. For things like nudity, it breaks our Community Guidelines, and we remove it, but sometimes we can’t get to it fast enough. What if someone is letting their child look at Holopix and they see that? Things like guns and cannabis are fine for people to post and search for because they’re legal in many jurisdictions, but they should not be shown on the front page of Holopix. Newest means anyone can see anything that’s posted, and that gives bad actors too much power.

As I’ve said before, I hear your concerns, and I’ll look into solutions to give our “Pro” or “Pioneer” users special access.


I think I understand this, especially that some of the posts were apparently only made to, let’s say “provoke” the average user. And I have most likely seen all of them since day one. From that point of view, it totally makes sense to have a curated view. But this current approach is mixing censoring and filtering into one pot. And from my understanding as you described it, the implemented rules aren’t even making it a safe place to not see ugly pics there, as someone could probably create a bunch of dummy accounts and up-like an evil pic and thus lift it into the trending view. Maybe there is a better and faster way to detect inappropriate uploads and censor them off more quickly than waiting for some folks to flag the posts?

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People who are concerned about viewing disturbing content that shouldn’t be on the site should be warned to avoid newest since some pictures may be there for a while until they are noticed and removed.

Equally useful to some is being able to see the same set of pictures as everyone else. To my understanding, this has been true of Trending. This furthers a sense of community and would be nice to keep as an option, even possibly with an on/off toggle.

There are also many images that I enjoy seeing that I don’t “like” such as multiple pictures of the same event that may be interesting to see but I reserve “like” for the ones that stand-out or are out-standing.

Challenging to think about how this all is implemented.


That’s a good point, I usually :heart: pics only if they are above a certain level in one or multiple criteria, but many more I find interesting, or I learnt something from it even though I do not :heart: it. But I want to see such pics.


Beta is blocking even more image than before on bottom, but also is blocking the top side that was empty. So I’m not happy and made my corrections to this madness.

Actual beta disposition VS my proposal.

Note the red arrow indicating how much space you gain, the amount of information showed is the same, top bar is same height than actual beta. And in terms of usability is also better to have all buttons together at bottom instead of dividing some at top and some at bottom.

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As I mentioned to you in DM, our designer is now looking at ways to decrease the banner size in Landscape Mode. It’s only a problem in Landscape mode, as in Portrait Mode the banner takes up equal or less space than before depending on the length of the caption.

As I also mentioned, putting text at the top doesn’t make any sense, and there’s a reason other apps don’t work that way. Would love to hear others weigh in though on their opinion on the matter.

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Why? Not objecting to it, just curious :slight_smile:
UI guidelines? Or just that the picture should be the first thing on the page?

When it comes to new things, you can usually do whatever you want. Unfortunately, once an industry standard is chosen(back buttons on the left, search bar at the top, caption text at the bottom, etc.) you really can’t change what users are expecting, because the masses will look at the app and it’ll be like learning a new language to them, and your app sticks out like a sore thumb.


Agreed, it has to be a very significant usability improvement to justify breaking the habits :slight_smile:

edit: I’d expect this for controls to be in the same, familiar places, not necessarily for content.


Another proposal:
Blocking 3D images is annoying, so why not just make image slightly smaller while showing the text, you can use the space at sides for small interface elements like the buttons and image profile, the background of description and buttons can be all black so previously pop out depth of background image does not interfere to read. When hiding the text the image will fit all available screen, I have seen this behaviour on other Apps and I like it, and it will be better than actually when looking a landscape image in portrait and the opposite.
But if you don’t want to resize you can also make like now: image filling all screen and semitransparent interface, but blocking less bottom image than actual beta, and only a part of the sides instead of top.

I like the caption on the bottom. I think if you have a lengthy caption, it detracts from the image if it’s located at the top. I also like being able to tap once to hide the caption and tap again to make it reappear. Most magazines and web sites locate the caption below the photo (at least in the US) so I’m used to seeing it on the bottom. However since holopix has an install base that goes beyond the US, caption on the bottom may not be universal…

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We can put the caption on top and call it a headline :smile:
Seriously, I’m not aware of any locale where picture captions are not below the picture (but I haven’t been everywhere yet).


I assumed as much. But I had to add the disclaimer since I haven’t traveled that much abroad.

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