Holopix 2.0 Beta

final design… came out okay. the swipe / click app is sorta working… but it’d be better to have an integrated display mode in holopix.


@Nima, I’m still encountering the “Holopix Stopped” error dialog. However, I’m not certain which version might be causing it.


@Stuart_Fujitani I understand. We’ll take a look.


Holopix 2.0 Beta 7 is now rolling out.

I have no words for how long this process has been. Thank you all so much for helping us squash the final bugs.

I still won’t promise this is the last beta, as all of my many, many incorrect predictions are recorded above for all eternity. Let’s just all wait and see, shall we?


Holopix 2.0 Beta 8 is now rolling out.

Hey everyone, we found some extra issues in the live version of Holopix 2.0, so we’re preparing a hotfix for it to fix them. Beta users should start to see the new version when they use Holopix next.

Thanks again everyone! We’re also working hard on Holopix 2.1 and some other major products and features too, so expect a LOT from us in the next month or two!


It is quiet for some time ???

@Chillerfpv Holopix 2.0 Hotfix came out last week.

Next stop is the Holopix 2.1 Beta!


Hi @Nima,

For the past 5 hours, Holopix has been displaying a message that my post cannot be uploaded at this time and has been queued. I don’t know if there’s a problem on the server side or a bug in the Holopix client. Any ideas? Is there a way I can cancel and retry?

Update: 8 more hours and it’s still trying to upload.

Update 2: Deleted cache and data which got rid of the queued upload. Then tried to reupload the photo which resulted in queuing again. At this point I’m assuming it’s a server issue.

Hey @Stuart_Fujitani, sorry it took so long to respond.

My team will take a look. We used to have a bug like that but it hasn’t occurred in a long time. We’ll see what the issue is.


I have the same problem, 2 posts are queued and not posting.
Restarted phone, tried several things, I cannot post on holopix new pics.

Is this the future of RH1 etc ?
Less and less is going to work or get removed (hydrogen network)
Is this also going to happen with future products of Leia? Not working?

Speaking from the perspective of Software Development, bugs will always exist, in every piece of software ever made.
Although the goal is to ensure that nobody ever finds them, they do exist, and the more time passes, the more likely they are to be discovered.

So then, the goal becomes addressing the bugs as soon as they become known, and actively listening and looking out for the bugs.

Based on all of the available evidence, it seems to me that Leia do exactly this, as demonstrated here:

Surely, we have nothing to worry about.


This is beta software. Bugs are to be expected. As a beta volunteer, it’s my responsibility to report any bugs encountered so that we can all share in a better experience when the product is officially released.

Also, I did not expect Leia to respond to my post during the weekend. However, I’m pleasantly pleased that Nima took the time to acknowledge the problem.



Queuing problem appears to be resolved. Thanks Leia and @Nima!


No worries Stuart, thanks for bringing it to our attention. The team tackled it first thing in the morning.


For me they still didn’t whanted to upload,
Then I cleared cache and data, needed to login again and they where gone, unfortunately I did delete them allready from device after uploading but queued, so they are gone now, pics from last scubadive. :angry:

Holopix ain’t working correctly ??

Hey @Chillerfpv it’s working fine on our end.

Can you try the following and let us know what happens?

  • Try a different network and see if the issue is resolved
  • Close and restart the app
  • Clear app cache and restart the app
  • Restart the device and open the app
  • Delete and reinstall the app

Let us know which one of these works, and if none of them work, let us know too. We’ll reach out and request device logs to dig into the specific issue you’re having.


For me on every image I upload to Holopix it says “Could not upload, we will try later”, but no real problem, a few moments later are already published even if I use the device for other things

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Thanks for the heads up @Kano3D, I’ve passed that along to our team. Which version of Holopix are you using?

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