Missing Features

Will Pro Mode and 4V live view be making a comeback or are these features gone for good?


What do you mean?
I still have that, taking pics in pro mode, edit them to quad to use in convert app on windows on Hydrogen.

Or do you mean on Lime pad?
Meaning that one has a different app with less possibilities?
No Lime pad for me then

I’m referring to Lume Pad. The H1 still has Red camera.

yeah, the camera on Lumepad has Zero features… are there any other camera apps with zero features? Developers need features please.

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Nic from the camera team here, thanks for the feedback! For Lumepad, we re-built the camera app from the ground up, so it’s at a minimum viable product stage at the moment. We’re planning many updates, and we’d love to get your feedback on what features would be most useful for you as creators. I’m hearing:

  • 2x1 (pro-mode) capture.
  • 4v preview mode.
  • Anything else?


Thanks for responding. The optional grid lines is also helpful.

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  • exposure controls
  • shutter controls
  • shooting in RAW
  • focus controls
  • panorama 2d and 2x1 pro
  • option to view live depth maps
  • option to save depth map in addition to photos\videos
  • option to colorize photo elements using depth map classification
  • paint brush type tool to re-classify depth map data of specific regions in the photo or frame by frame in video
  • live video image stabilization
  • any AI powered features
  • upscaling to 4k
  • Night mode (long exposure photos without tripod)
  • Live Photos in 4V and 2d (Live button, next to the Flash button)
  • Option to share Live Photos (the movement of scene) in 2d or SBS, added to the actual button to share 4V image as 2d animation or GIF

3D capture on front camera

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Omg, i received the Lumepad. Opened the camera app, what a disappointment is that ?

Where are settings features i would expect from a device from this company? like me and my girl have titanium hydrogens, i expected it to be on the same league but bigger.

But this camera app is a big ass disappointment, a joke. I expected more from a tablet wise device from Leia, that we could do more, edit more, just more.
Not less on a bigger screen

It seems they’re started App from zero and to not delay launch only for one single App they launched with this super basic Camera App. But I hope they will make updates to add features every few weeks

I hope so, and soon

In the technical specs say 60fps. When will be able to record 60fps video?