It will be finished Octembrary the 54th
works for me and it is worth the money, thanks
Microsoft published the exFAT specification in August 2019.
NTFS support is in the Linux kernel now.
So it is certainly possible for Leialoft to patch exFAT and NTFS support into their Android fork but it would be a lot of work for what is probably a small group of users.
Still, it is really frustrating that I can buy a 1 TB micro SD card from Amazon but can’t use it to store my 3D movies.
I have a SanDisk 1TB Ultra Dual Drive Luxe USB Type-C Flash Drive I formatted as ExFAT on which I stored many scores of MP4 videos up to about 6GB in size for about 50 SBS 3D movies. The C-male end of the device can be plugged directly into the Lume Pad’s port C-port. I can watch all of the 2D movies using the USB OTG app downloadable to the Lume Pad from Google Play, but none of the 3D MP4 video files will show up on the Lume Pad. Why? Is there a good reason why Leia Player can’t find or play them?
Hey @Rhonda, the feature to read external drives must be developed in each app that supports it. If you move the files onto the Lume Pad’s internal filesystem, the files will be seen.
I’m not sure and cannot test it right now, but I think that the app that @jakedowns developed (MPV) to play sbs videos, could maybe open them (but @jakedowns can confirm if I’m right)
Yes, I’m aware of the app, but I don’t understand the instructional steps to install it. I’d love to have it on my Lume Pad. I’m someone who needs very detailed and exact instuctions in step-by-step format. Thanks for your reply.
You should simply go to the Leia appstore and select Explore in the lower bar, Apps in the upper and MPV 3D. That’s all