Settings and Quick Icons

So one of my apps (QooCam), uses HotSpot to connect to the QooCam EGO (Don’t ask my why).

There is no HOTSPOT settings in the tablet. There is no HotSpot in the quick drawer drop down either.

But, when QooCam app tries to connect it does take me to the setting screen to turn it on. But I can never get back to it. (Kind of like a hidden menu).

I also can’t turn off the Hotspot unless I complete shut down my tablet or go airplane mode and back.

Since Hotspot is naturally a 3G/LTE under mobile network. The menu option in settings doesn’t even populate. (Under Mobile network, it only gives option for airplane mode)

On my Lume Pad 1, I can go to settings and at the top is a search box. Typing in “hotspot” and then selecting “hotspot name” opens a “Wi-Fi hotspot” menu. Don’t know if there’s a shortcut or if it’s the same on the Lume Pad 2 but it may work for you.
Good luck

That’s the problem, searching in settings for “hotspot” comes up with ‘no results’.
Thanks for the help though!

Still unsure what to do next… :confused:

On my Lume Pad 2, there is a hotspot option under “Developer Options”, so you have to enable “Developer Mode” in Android to see it (use Google to find out how to do that).


Well I guess that’s one way of accessing options turned off by OEM. lol
However, I still don’t see Hotspot option in that screen.

Only option I see is:
Enable Wi-Fi coverage Extend Feature
“Enable extending Wi-Fi coverage using Hotspot”

Turning it on, does nothing for hotspot access.