3DS & Virtual Boy emulators for Lume Pad & RED Hydrogen One

If it’s a media device, security is not as important (for example, compared to your phone where you are doing banking). But, to be safe, I have multiple wifi networks in my house. I keep the random devices on the throwaway network, for example smart lightbulbs, media devices, etc. and then I have a more secure network for my work/development computer. This is better for me, as I can connect random devices without worry of a huge compromise.

If it helps, newer VVB releases are also available on GitHub. The APK available there still works on LP1 (and I think RED Hydrogen One, though I don’t own one to check), and I don’t plan to drop support for quite some time.


We now have initial versions of VVB and Citra for Lume Pad 2 and Nubia Pad 3D!

Because of this, we’ll be closing this thread but leaving it up for users on the original Lume Pad and RED Hydrogen One.

You can find the threads for Lume Pad 2 and Nubia Pad 3D Here:

VVB for Lume Pad 2

Citra 3DS for Lume Pad 2

Feel free to direct your pictures, questions, feedback, and support for the Lume Pad 2 versions of these amazing emulators to these new threads!