Maybe I am in the wrong place for this post ?
My question is in the topic : as I have several cameras that I can sync (the excellent Samsung NX500) , I am wondering if I could build a 4V camera to take photos or videos ?
Best regards
Yes, you can: you can find someone else that already experimented
and also posted some picture on Leiapix
Thanks a lot for this link, Marco ! Very interesting and helfull
Phil, I have been working on a project controlling multiple Samsung NX cameras including the NX50, 0.
I created an Android app to control multiple NX cameras. It is a work in progress since the controls for the NX500 are not complete but still useful for stereo lenticular quads.
See my github link for the code at GitHub - ajavamind/Multi-NX-Camera-Control: Control multiple Samsung NX cameras with telnet commands
I have tried four NX2000 cameras for a quad LumePad photo. The alignment is time consuming and the camera interaxials are too large for most subjects.
I have not improved my code any further due to time constraints and priorities, but suggestions for improvement could help if I ever pick it up again.
Andy Modla
Awesome! I guess I need to pick up some nx20000s to give it a shot !
Hello Andy, please apologize, I didn’t see your post as I am not often on this forum.
Thanks for your link, I used several hacks for the NX500, this was a very “open” and very interesting camera, and your app seems awesome !!! I will try it very soon your app.
As I used the NX500 for aerial 360, I have 5 Sigma 8mm fisheye lenses too. I think I could set the cameras vertically, so the interaxial distance would be 60mm even with 4 cameras and the horizontal corresponding lens would be 8*(3/2) = 12mm (APS-C) or a 18mm FullFrame. Or more if I decide to crop the photos. This is less than the 77mm distance on the Fuji3D camera that I have. Maybe this could work ? And this is very interesting to have square stereoscopic photos, as I can watch them with a VR headset too.
I didn’t read a lot about that, but why is it better to have 4 than 2 cameras ? To have other points of view, as with a lenticular image ?
Best regards, Phil
Hi Phil,
Hope you find the app useful. The Samsung NX2000, NX300, and NX500 cameras are great fun for hacking to expand their uses. It is only through a test mode backdoor that access is possible.
I tried 4 NX2000 cameras for a 2x2 quad and compared it to 2 NX2000 stereo L/R pairs in 4V. On the LumePad, the 2x2 display with photos from 4 cameras did not show any artifacts. The 2x1 display in 4V mode with L/R stereo pair sometimes shows artifacts because the other 2 images are generated.
Alignment of the 4 photos was more time consuming than a stereo pair. Stereo Photo Maker makes it easy to align a stereo pair automatically, but requires more manual steps to align multiple images. It also took more manual steps to adjust the stereo window with four photos.
Best Regards,
@javamind Would you be willing to describe briefly your workflow for 4-view alignment in StereoPhotoMaker?
Hi Mark,
It has been about 7 months since I used SPM for 4 view alignment.
Refreshing my memory with SPM:
From main menu, select File, → Multi Job, → Multiple Images → Auto Rotation Adjustment (one by one)
I ran this on my four photos and saved the resulting images.
Next from main menu, select File, → Multi Job, → Multiple Images → XY adjustment & cropping
I used output images from first multiple images job and manually aligned images and cropped.
I cannot offer any advice on using this XY adjustment and I found it time consuming and the results were often not what I expected. I probably am not using the tool correctly or the original photos have too much camera interaxial distance for the subject distance.
Search for Multiple Images section “SPM can auto-align a sequence of images intended for lenticular prints, autostereoscopic displays, ‘bullet-time’ movie sequences or object-rotation movies of large scale subjects.” is the first line.
That reminds me of the old Nimslo camera!
I know a guy in Toronto Ontario who linked 12 cameras for 3D - it did make awesome lenticular prints! Back in my day there were 3, 4 and 5 lens cameras that made good lenticulars all based on half-frame 35mm negatives but with the digital age things are speeding up and this month Canon announced a 3D lens for their EOS R5. If you’re looking for better quality perhaps that would be easier than carrying 4 NX5000 cameras on your neck?
A Light L16 Like camera optimized for Leia Displays would probably the pinnacle of what most people need.
But with all lenses at the same focal length. That would be awesome, that way you could get awesome Resolution too with super Resolution alhorythms. It would probably be costly though.
Yes, very pricy indeed!
Also, welcome to the community Phil! My name is Marlon and I just joined as Community Manager. Eager to see your 3D!