Inquiry about Privacy

I am still getting use to this ecosystem.
Curious to know, if I have personal photos or videos that I want to convert or use any services that the AI utilizes.
Do my images/videos upload to the server or is it all done locally on the hardware?
I have concerns about privacy and mainly pertaining to who has access to my content for 3D conversion.

With my 3D TV, I had no concern since it is not connected to the net, but LumePad poses a unsettling feeling since its always connected and has AI.

It depends. Standard photos and videos (including VR media) are converted on-device.

Some Apple Depth images, images uploaded to the LeiaPix API, and images uploaded to LeiaPix Converter are done on the server, but are not saved anywhere (unless you share Converter images with a link, then they are).

In addition, uploading images to the LeiaPix app or LeiaLink uploads them to Leia servers.

That said, with the exception of the LeiaPix app (and the link sharing case in Converter), we don’t currently have any way to see or access any of your uploaded pictures.

However, we reserve the right to access images or do research with any images uploaded to Leia services at any time in the future. This of course doesn’t apply to locally converted media.

And there’s a current exception when users pay to use the LeiaPix API, where because it’s a paid service, users are paying partly for privacy of their and their users images.