Is there any way to disable Face Tracking so that the two stereo images are projected at a fixed point right in front of the tablet? Similarly to what is possible on the Nintendo 3DS

On the Nintendo 3DS you have two options 1) use face tracking for 3D (similar to Lume Pad) or 2) don’t use eye tracking at all (the mode I always found much more comfortable on my Nintendo 3DS).

This is personal comfort preference, I know. Maybe I am alone but this makes a big difference in comfort to me. I wish there was this option on my Lume Pad 2. Maybe I’m missing something, thus this post.

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Well… the answer is apparently no and was given in this other thread: 3D view with face tracking?

FTR Enabling/disabling face tracking for the 3D on the Nintendo 3DS is called “Super Stable 3D”. I added this as a comment as for some reason I cannot update my initial post.

I also would want to use sometimes without eye-tracking, because when the ambiental light is low it is impossible to watch 3D (or even annoyingly is being constantly enabling and deactivating it)