

I was trying to use Leiaviewer on some LIDAR point clouds and meshes I captured recently. I have them on sketchfab, and they are fine there, and after importing them onto Lumepad as glTF and as OBJ files, the viewer won’t open them. it crashes. I looked at the marketing material for Leiaviewer, and it says that the app CAN handle those file types.

Can you please post a link in this forum, or via email, to the actual files you used to test to see which file types work on leiaviewer? there is only one demo file. Perhaps you can use one of my LIDAR scans. My name on Sketchfab is smicha84. all my files are downloadable. I bought this Lume Pad simply for this. I know my scans are messy, but that’s the point. I’m testing how consumer-friendly messy LIDAR point clouds and meshes are in H4V. I’m also in the process of importing them into Unity to make playable walkthroughs with them, and that will be amazing on Lume Pad as well…

Hi there -

John here, product manager on LeiaViewer. Sorry to hear you’re having trouble opening these files! To clarify, the app does in fact support GLTF and OBJ files, so we’re testing now to determine what the issue is. We will get back to you asap with what we find and next steps.



Hi John,
Can you post a list of files that can be opened with LeiaViewer and instructions on importing them?

Hi Baron,

LeiaViewer supports the following file types: FBX, OBJ, STL, GLB and GLTF.

Generally speaking, to import them just add the files to a particular directory on your device, and open them in the apps file browser. However, for model types like FBX and OBJ, your textures will need to be siblings of the model file.

Will follow up with you this afternoon with instructions on opening these.



John, i’m not seeing LeiaViewer available on LeiaLoft on my LumePad. LeiaLoft is synced between my LumePad & Hydrogen One fwiw.

Hi Mark,

That is correct. LeiaViewer is preinstalled only on LumePad and is not currently available on LeiaLoft. Future updates will be delivered via LeiaLoft, available for both Hydrogen and LumePad. We’ve got some rad stuff on the way next month, so stay tuned!



Thanks. LeiaViewer doesn’t seem to be preinstalled on my LumePad, which is why i mentioned LeiaLoft.

Hi John,
can you show which particular directory, the model file and the textures should be placed?

For STL - that model type doesn’t have textures, its just a single model format. Just load the model by clicking on it in the LeiaViewer file browser.

For OBJ and FBX model types, you need to make sure any textures that come with the model are in same directory as the model itself. Sometimes the textures come with a separate textures folder, so you need to move all the textures into the same top level directory that contains the OBJ model. Once all the files are in the right place, just tap the OBJ model in LeiaViewer file browser

For GLB and GLTF, copy the folder containing the model to your Lumepad, and the directory structure should already be set up properly, so just tap the GLB file in the LeiaViewer file browser.

Just following up on this - LeiaViewer is now live on LeiaLoft, just on LumePad. In future releases we will make it available for both Hydrogen and LumePad.

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My LeiaViewer version is 0.1.2 i think that is the demo version? there was no file browser in that LeiaViewer, just 4 models, and a few settings, and yesterday i checked for updates in Leialoft and did not find it

Please check LeiaLoft on your LumePad and search for “LeiaViewer”.

LeiaViewer installed from LeiaLoft & looks Pumpkintastic!

Hi John,

I have checked and updated my LeiaViewer, it looks great!. But unfortunately i failed to apply my textures even though the model file and texture file is in the same folder, my file is in .obj format, it has multiple parts so it has multiple texture sets, is it possible to import it to LeiaViewer?, or do I have to merge it?, and how much polygon can LeiaViewer handle?

Hi Nicholas,

I apologize for the inconvenience. In order for us to diagnose the issue, could you share the model and texture files? Given that you followed the workflow we suggest, I’m not clear what the issue may be.

When you say you’re importing objects with “multiple texture sets”, I’m actually not clear what that means exactly. We likely don’t support this, but if you can explain what this is, we can evaluate adding this feature to our roadmap.

Lastly, there isn’t a hard limit for polygon count as performance will also be affected by the textures. I would say that around 300k is expected to run fine but anything beyond that will result in increasingly slow load times and lower fps.

Sorry again that you’ve experienced these issues but we’re happy to help anyway we can.


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Hi John,

Im sorry i did not explain it well, so i have a model of a statue consists of body and crown model, i combined this 2 model into one, which has their own material, uv map,and textures, this is what i mean by “multiple texture sets” this term is usually used in substance painter

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and i want to import this combined mesh into LeiaViewer, is that possible?

Hi Nicholas,

Could you also send us the model itself?
