Lenticular Prints Poll

Prefer ordering prints through LeiaPix or LeiaPlayer?
  • Prefer ordering lenticular prints on LeiaPix
  • Prefer ordering lenticular prints on LeiaPlayer

0 voters

Now anyone can order 3D lenticular prints of their H4V pics. Currently the only way to order lenticular prints is posting them publicly on LeiaPix. Curious if most people would prefer ordering prints using LeiaPlayer because they have an issue with posting the picture publicly or just don’t want to go through the extra steps.


most important besides doesn’t matter where you order it from, i find more Leiapix instead of the Player, as the player is play and view, not order things, otherwise it gets messy, is that the leia prints should also be accessible for outside US residents

Leia Player is my vote. Or some separate app, not related to Leiapix

Depending on how the region locking is done you might be able to use a VPN then order it to a US address and forward it to your country.