Lume Pad OS Update 1.3.35 is available NOW!

Got it! Thank you. I just needed less than one more day of patients :grin:. Update went so smooth I had to double check to make sure it actually happened. Mozaik3d is bad*ss! Leiatube…. Wow, I can watch Colbert in 3d! Amazing. The camera updates are nice. Going to test out the HDR today. The live preview is much smoother. Any word on manual setting and 4v preview? I can not shoot video until I can stop it from changing its settings. Liking the new wallpapers. Could have don’t without the music video being added. Reminds me of when Apple forced a U2 record on everyone. Free App Store! Please please please give me manual control over the camera. PLEASE! I’ll beta test it for you​:grin:

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@FilmShemp Your feedback has been passed along to the product manager of LeiaCam :slight_smile:


Dear Shayna,
I have inserted the credit card in the past. But apparently I am unable to remove it; I can only add other cards: what is the procedure?