RedMagic Pad 3D(nubia Pad 3D II / Lume Pad 3)Review/Thoughts

I have seen no change in my tablet, still flickering… with the same Leia APPs versions, strange.
Sometimes I see a circled (1) on the Leia face tracking APP, that disappers after a reboot, but no change in version number. Is it an update?

  1. I see horzontal flickering in pictures/movies with medium/high depth.
    2)the flickering is noticeably reduced if I put a strong light source in front of me and a dark background behind me. Hard to have normally.
    3)The problem is almost identical in portrait orientation.

CONCLUSION (I am an electronic engineer with experience in signal processing):
1)The signal/s generate by face tracking software (a time series of numbers) is noisy.
2)The frequency of the flicker (about 10 Hz) is lower than camera frame frequency, therefore there is a low pass filter of the time series, this filter seems to process (average) about 10 values.

1)Improve the low pass filter by changing its length, for instance integrate data to half a second with an optimized window.
2) use the gyroscope for compensating fast tablet movements (with controllable sensor fusion)
3)ADD to the Face traking APP controls for adapting the various parameters to the specific tablet (assuming differences in alignment between LCD panel and lenticular device.
4)ADD all possible controls that may be relevant with an easy reset !!

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With such a powerful processor with “8” cores a specific version of Android should dedicate say 2 cores to: 1) face tracking, 2)3D image processing. A virtual machine with 6 cores should be made available to APPs. Youtube APP might certainly work with a couple of cores with no problem. So we paid a considerable amount of money also for funding some software development.
OBVIOUSLY I might be wrong …
WE wait.
This Hardware is fantastic ! Best glassless 3D screen ever seen.

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I’m gonna try a reset. But I agree that the face tracking seems slow (large latency) and also very sensitive to lighting conditions. Which seems strange cause other products have extremely accurate camera tracking (e.g. Meta Quest or other VR devices, even the AR APIs on mobile seem higher quality).

Regarding the relative position signal of the head respect to the tablet coming from the head tracker, this has two adding components, the position of the head and the position (angle) of the tablet . The head moves slowly, the tablet can rotate much faster. So if this signal needs a moving average filter, the gyroscope/inertial motion sensor of the tablet can distinguish between the two components.
So use 0.5 seconds averaging if the tablet does not move, and use 0.05 seconds averaging if the tablet is in horizontal angular motion. Oviously a smooth transition could be implemented. This strategy should make things work better. Againg the face tracker must have a user accesible control (slider) to align the 3D system and make any possible ghosting disappear, this very good hardware deserves a perfect tuning !!


I have one of the ProMa tablets, and you can just turn head-tracking off. Honestly, this is almost better (especially in dark lighting) as you can just hold the tablet still and it works. Granted, it would be better if the tracking was perfect, but disabling the tracking is almost better than errant tracking.

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I now want to explain what is moving average.
Say that we have a series of numbers that we want ta average, and the samplig frequency is 90 Hz.
The values are a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h , i etc. Every 1/90 s we obtain a value.
Now I want a moving averaged signal with length 3.
The new values are (a+b+c)/3, (b+c+d)/3, (c+d+e)/3, etc. Clearly there is something like a latency of 2/90 seconds because two additional past values influence the actual value.
The new sampling frequency is still 90Hz. Can the 3D screen process handle this frequency? I suppose that this task is much easier than decoding MP4 …
Maybe someone in the field can explain better…

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I did the reset. As expected, nothing changed (I already had the latest update). The auto 2D-to-3D is essentially totally broken on the YouTube app. The audio cuts out every 2 seconds (and can stay muted for 1 or 2 seconds) the whole video itself freezes every 1 or 2 seconds as well, and the audio/video is out of sync. Not even close to working. On the YouTube website (through Chrome) there are none of the audio/video freeze glitches, so it does play, however even then it looks like 24 FPS (at best) which means there is subtle judder, even with 30Hz videos. I’m a programmer, and I understand this stuff is super complicated, and even more so on tablet hardware, but if it’s not working, it’s just not working.

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Thank you for all your updates.
Is the RedMagic 3D table explorer addition still good to purchase?
In January or February I was thinking of getting one.
Have a great Christmas

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Honestly, even with the glitches and suspect performance, it’s still the best 3D display you can buy, bar none. The brightness is almost twice the brightness of a standard 2D tablet, there is very little to no ghosting (aside from the flicker thing that people have mentioned), and the resolution and overall colors and quality blow the Lume Pad 2 away. Even in the current state, it’s worth it to take photos (better 3D than LP2), and the photo/video viewer is okay. So I would say it’s worth the money.

The main issues I have are that the software doesn’t seem fully finished, and I haven’t really seen many updates (I think there was a total of 1 update since it came out). So the problems I said with some audio/video codecs not working (though I guess you can convert videos on your PC to the standard formats) and that the 2D-to-3D is not as good as other products, but probably cause it’s running in real time on the tablet. Like stuff on the Immersity website, Owl3D, etc. can take several seconds to do a conversion, so it’s obviously better quality. Though I guess you could process stuff on your PC and then transfer to the tablet. Hopefully they will give some updates (e.g. fix performance in YouTube app, get real-time 2D-to-3D to 30FPS solid, or more, etc.). But even in the current state I’m still happy I got it, cause the actual screen is better than anything you can buy (even including desktop displays that cost $3,000).

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Thank you.
Have a great holiday

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Happy (upcoming) New Year to everyone! :wink: :dragon: :fireworks: :tada:


Yes may you have a great time

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I agree.
Redmagic development team is aware of this thread and they are working hard for improving the software. My understanding is that vast improvements are possible.
Happy new year

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Yeah, I don’t want to be too negative, it’s still a great tablet. I was only pointing out the issues I found because I was hoping Red Magic would support this product, and provide an update to resolve the problems. Seeing as there is not really any other competitor in this space, it’s still worth buying. The screen improvements over the LP2 are massive, I’m just hoping for the software to improve.

Wonder if you’ve ever tried using it as a 2nd PC monitor, & would 3D work in displaying PC content…
Am deciding to go with Acer Spatiallabs Monitor or a Nubia Pad 3D II, there are pros & cons for either - currently leaning towards Pad 3D II.

Happy New Year everyone!

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Yeah, you can sort of use it as a PC display, but with streaming. It doesn’t have any connections for HDMI, etc. But they have an app called MoonLight3D and you can stream SBS content from a computer to the tablet. Even works on Linux (and perhaps Mac) and definitely on Windows. Latency is not that bad either. Though if you want to use for a computer, the Acer is gonna be better cause it’s PC native.

I also observe that the color gamut of this tablet is excellent.
I hove no measure, but it seems similar to the best TV screens.
It is much better than most tablets and can certainly be used for photo and video editing.

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Oh, I was talking about the Lume Pad 2. I’m not sure if the MoonLight3D works on it, I haven’t tried, but the standard MoonLight is just a normal Android app and should work fine, and then you can do 2D-to-3D.

This is really useful, just made the order through alibaba. Thank you Trento.

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I experimented a bluetooth mouse and it works.
A bluetooth us keyboard with trackpad also works. The chep keyboard at first had a trackpad anomaly and key autorepead rate was too fast , then I tryed with Windows and it worked fine, then with the tablet again and it worked fine. Maybe windows fixed some parameters. The keyboard has a windows/android switch.