New to Leia and need Help, Pls

Hi guys,

I got the Lume Pad 2 about a week ago and I have been trying to use this thing–I’ve been hitting a bit of a brick wall on everything. There’s so much I want to say, but I’ll just point out the 2 major ones I’m having.

I’ve tried to reencode a bunch of videos, but I can’t find the sweet spot to convert 2D videos into 3D seemlessly. There’s a bit of warping like waves when things move around. I kept dropping it from H.265 to H.264, 4K to 2K, 60 fps to 24 fps, even full videos to a person on a black background. This problem never really goes away–although, I have noticed that H.264/30fps/2K but cropped to half width didn’t seem too bad. I’ve also tried lowering the bitrate, etc… Doing all that is a lot to lose, though. I’d really like to know if there are any recommended settings I could get.

SBS video seem to run a lot smoother, but the problem I’m having with this is even more serious. There is a massive amount of ghosting/cross talk with the videos. I have no idea what’s going on here. I can literally close one of my eyes and slowly move left or right and see ghosting. I see it even when I pause the video. There’s no flickering or anything–it’s just there. When I switch off the 3D, it’s not there. This strictly happens while trying to watch SBS (*_2x1.mp4). Is there anything I can do here? This isn’t a problem when attempting to watch 2D converted into 3D or looking at still 3D photos.

Also, I would love to be able to move the screen up and down after double-tapping to zoom on a photo or video. For photos, I have to go out of my way and pinch to zoom to be able to control the picture. That and, of course, batch convert photos in-device. The fact that it reorders immediately after the photo is converted is nuts. I have to leave and find my place in the folder and click on the next one.

Thanks in advance. :slight_smile:

I’ve tried to use Moonlight3D, as well. It also suffers from the same exact problem.

I’m having same problem

I just got the Lume Pad 2 and it came with the latest OS already installed. It started downloading the latest apps once I connected it to my network. Everything is good on that front.

I’m also staying a good distance from the tablet. I have tried as many distances and angles as is allowed before it can no longer track my face. The ghosting is baked into the current version of the SBS. There is no reason for it to happen while I’m only using one eye. It only show up during video VRs using SBS.

It is not nearly as bad when it converts it to 3D itself. I cropped an SBS video in half and made it convert to 3D, it runs with far fewer issues… but it’s not exactly ideal. It’s incredibly watered down by that point–and pretty warped on the edges. I wish I could move it around with my finger and have the view it has on youtube.

I have tried dozens of scenes–good lighting, bad lighting, any color background… there is no such thing as good enough to remove the ghosting. It’s hard to even look at it without getting a headache after a few minutes. There is no amount of color saturation or contrast that will do anything for this… and if it were important, I don’t see why there is no slider to change it anywhere on the tablet. Reencoding an entire video just to test it out is not fun. I’ve tried everything I can think of to make it work. Forcing 120Hz refresh, turning up the brightness, turning down the brightness, wearing 3d glasses (lol). NGL, the ghosting is so bad, I thought there was a legit chance it could work.

I tried the 3DS mod Jake did to Citra, and it looks okay, as far as I can tell. My frames go between 1-13 frames. It’s pretty much unplayable. I don’t know if it’s because I put the rom on my microSD card or what. It was a pain just to get fat32 on it. Not ideal for a tablet meant to play 3D videos. Anyway, the point here is that it can do some kind of SBS. I think so anyway… I gave up faster than usual because of the frames and long wait times before it would even work.

I want to love this tablet but there are so many things going on with it that I find very frustrating and unapproachable. I feel inconvenienced at every turn. It is not streamlined, at all. The average consumer has no chance of using this thing.

Going to throw this out there since I’m already starting to rant, but I can’t even buy a cover for this tablet. :frowning: I’m starting to doubt it’ll ever get a refresh. I bought the official stand for it and the plate on the back seems like a horrible idea. It’s made like a flat board with all of its edges. It’s just pressing up against the tablet’s back at a bad and very sharp angle.

This is to be expected with 2D to 3D conversion, especially the real-time conversion on the mobile chip. It’s highly dependent on the video, though. Some videos will look perfect, and others will have “wobbling” depth.

You should never crop a 2D video to half-width, there’s no benefit, you’re just losing half the pixels. Also, a bit counter-intuitively, higher resolution, framerate, and bitrate actually IMPROVES the quality of the conversion, not decreases it.

Ultimately if you’re not happy with the on-device quality of the free conversion, using our web tool Immersity AI will give you much higher quality conversion using Nvidia GPUs in the cloud, albeit requiring payment.

Yes, the video content should be optimized to the display by reducing the disparity and/or the contrast. If you’re using existing videos that are optimized for other 3D displays you may experience cross-talk.

Do the built-in 3D videos that come with the Lume Pad 2 have these issues for you? If yes, then your tablet is defective and needs to be replaced. If no, then the video content being played is the issue.

Hi Nima, thank you for your response!

I’m fine with the quality even though it’s not the greatest. My gripe is that I have to manually do them one by one–and it’s made in a way that causes the workload to be even more tedious because of how the images are reordered when the conversion is done. I cannot just swipe to the next one down the line. The fastest way is to back out of the view and retarget the next file. This is made worse by the device occasionally backing out entirely–causing me to have to repath through to the target directory the file resides in.

My upload bandwidth is incredibly limited… and, honestly, I’d rather not pay extra for something I don’t entirely have to. I just put up with it, but it is incredibly frustrating that there’s not something put in place for this very common issue.

Is there anything in the tablet or some program that helps with figuring out how this can be done? I’ve tested a bunch of SBS and none of them look right. None. For the contrast portion, it would be great if I could do that from the tablet itself. There appears to be nothing to help with this–unless changing the color temperature will somehow help. I didn’t touch this at all because I do not see a way to reset it in case I screw it up. Too many of the sliders are jittery. Even when I am correcting a photo’s depth, moving plus or minus 0.1 is a chore and usually requires 3-6 attempts to get right. I also have problems trying to close out specific programs because of how sensitive it is. Makes me not want to mess with something as important as this.

I can’t check because one of the first things I did was delete the stuff that came with the tablet. Those are demos and not something anyone would actually watch more than once or twice. I’m trying to use this in a real-world scenario. I tested the tablet with a bunch of stuff and they all have ghosting… whether it’s bright, dim, different color backdrop, anything. I can see a person’s face through their hair. Those two things were never really going to match or be similar in color.

In LeiaPlayer, in the top right of the file browser, there’s a “kabob menu”(three dots) and in there is an option to switch your sorting from “Date Created” to an option like Filename, File Size, or Resolution. When you convert a photo from 2D to 3D, it creates a new file, which is why if you’re sorting by the default (Date Created) the sorting updates to move the new file to the top.

This is generally something that professional creators use 3rd party tools to do, such as StereoMovieMaker on a computer. However, there may be 3rd party tools on Android that will allow you to do it on the tablet itself, but we don’t provide support for products we don’t make of course.

You can factory reset your tablet to get all the default content back. Ultimately, if you can’t verify the tablet isn’t defective by checking the default content, then nothing I do will be able to help you since all the things you try might fail due to a defect.

I know about it and have read that listed as a response a few times. Mine is set to sort by filename. The problem is, after switching to 3D and creating a photo, the sort does not respect that sorting order. Unfortunately, knowing the issue does not help in solving it. The problem is with the app–and I hope to see it resolved eventually.

This seems a bit unreasonable to believe that the user has to conform their media to work with the tablet when the media works just about everywhere else without having to convert it to something special. Unless you’re Apple, it is unlikely any company is going to change their thing(s) to meet your standard of it. This will hurt adoption many fold. So, us users are expected to find 3rd party apps and edit the contrast so the app doesn’t have to have an option for it?

As for the disparity, I don’t even know what that is. If it’s the option to widen the distance between the 2 pictures, that’s going to be another massive pain point to try to figure out. All of my media shows up fine through my Valve Index. I just can’t be bothered to put on a headset all the time :(. I thought this could be a game-changer, but the barrier to entry is so high. The amount of work needed just to enjoy anything 3D is insane.

Are there any examples of 3D video media that can be viewed without ghosting (not including the movies on LeiaFlix)?

It does on mine. Are you fully updated to the newest version of LeiaPlayer? In what way is the sort order altered? Which folder are you doing the conversion in? I just confirmed that it works as I would expect in the Android default “Downloads” folder.

The user isn’t expected to do this. All of my existing 3D media that I used on my 3D projector and VR headset works perfectly fine. Ghosting is a rare occurrence for regular media, it’s only very poorly formatted media or media that is misaligned which has issues, or media with a lot of disparity AND contrast. This is something people don’t usually notice on other devices including VR headsets. I’d recommend running your media through StereoPhotoMaker or StereoMovieMaker to see whether it’s aligned properly.

No, a better way to put this is that Lume Pad 2 has the same limitations as all other glasses-free 3D screens and it won’t support content that is misaligned, or has both high disparity and high contrast.

It is the difference between the two views, yes. If there is a very large difference while the subject is also high contrast, you will see cross-talk.

VR headsets have view isolation, e.g. there is no actual overlap between the left display and the right display, they are two separate displays. This isn’t the case with glasses-free 3D, there is only one display. Content that is optimized for VR will not always work on Lume Pad 2, including high-depth photos taken in SteamVR. However, if the image has a reasonable amount of disparity and it’s aligned properly (e.g. with StereoPhotoMaker) 3D photos taken in VR can look stunning.

You literally just put the file on the device and open it. It even has AI to auto-detect what format is in. There is literally no 3D device on Earth that’s easier. Not even most of the most popular VR media players that support 3D media can do that.

Even a few movies on LeiaFlix have some cross-talk in some scenes. But your best bet for 3D videos with zero cross-talk is to just view the default media content that ships with the tablet. This will tell you whether your device is defective or it’s performance is as expected.

If you want a 3D display with a higher tolerance for disparity and contrast with reduced cross-talk, you can purchase the Acer SpatialLabs devices or the ZTE Nubia Pad 3D II, both devices that use next-generation Leia displays.

If you’re not happy with Lume Pad 2, please feel free to return it.

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I have the latest everything, as far as I know:

Build number
LUME UI_1.0.48_LPD20_US_001

version 4.3.41785

I’m using a folder in my microSD card that I formatted to fat32. When it finishes, it sorts it improperly and I have to back out and find the next image to manually convert. I got mine to overwrite the original.

There has not been one video that I have found that doesn’t have it. I have looked through this forum a bit and there appears to be a good number of folks with the same issue. Thank you for dropping some names on apps that can help. I wrote that I was going to look into this later but I tried check it out… is this what you are referring to?

Please confirm.

I looked through this forum quite a bit before I ever posted a single thing here and I see the two terms, high disparity and high contrast, used a lot. I already saw it coming that it’d be used here :sweat_smile:. I don’t know how true this is but I feel like if it were such a common issue, that you guys would provide something to help deal with this thing that plagues so many people. A slider to realign a disparity issue would have been greatly appreciated. I’m really hoping that thing I linked is the correct thing. The top search result was something that was 14 years old.

I would have loved it if it were the truth, but I have not found it to be the case. Between the heavy ‘wobbling’ of 2D to 3D and the even heavier ghosting of SBS 3D that I currently have no solution for–I’ve been having an extremely hard time. I tried the 3DS app that Jake Downs made and the frames were so low–it was unplayable.

I’m in the US and I was not able to find it… to be fair, I didn’t try very hard.

Even now, I have no intention of returning the tablet, but I feel like I bought a very expensive paper weight. I would really like this to work. I appreciate the time you’ve taken to try and help me with this.

Okay, do you have the same issue when you use a folder that’s on the device itself?

Then your tablet is defective, OR it might be possible you have an eye health issue that makes it impossible for you to view glasses-free 3D. Have you ever used a Nintendo 3DS or other glasses-free 3D device? If so, did you have any issues viewing it?

If other glasses-free 3D devices worked for you, then you need to replace your Lume Pad 2 with another one that isn’t defective. If others didn’t work for you, then you should return your Lume Pad 2 because it won’t work for you.


We have it…for 3D photos. It’s much harder to do on an Android mobile device for 3D videos, and most 3D videos are already mastered with a reasonable disparity because they’re usually movies made for a broad audience, so there’s usually no need for it unless you’re an enthusiast, in which case using a 3rd party app on a computer is expected.

What about the games on the Leia Appstore like Dungeon? Do you experience the same cross-talk issue there? If so, either your Leia FaceTracking or Leia DisplayConfig aren’t updated, or they’re malfunctioning, or your eyes are unable to process glasses-free 3D, or your tablet is defective.

I’m fairly certain I don’t have an eye health issue. I see VR just fine and have seen a physical 3DS back in the day. Haven’t played around with one in some years now, though.

Good to hear. Is that the official site to get that on? I have no idea who they are. Ideally, I’d be able to use the Davinci Resolve (not Studio) to fix these up.

I haven’t tried it. I didn’t have any interest in it, personally. I’ll have to try it out some time, I guess. I doubt there’s anything wrong with me or the device. I’m assuming the video is just perfectly centered on both sides. Once you confirm that the website from earlier is safe to download from, I’ll look into learning to use it some time later.

The photos look fine but I get ghosting in the avatar trailer and most videos I’ve tried

They’re different technologies, so that doesn’t matter. Stereoblind people can use VR fine but can’t use 3D screens, for example. Other people, like some of my coworkers, get sick from any VR screen but can use our displays for hours. Personally I can use both for hours without issues. Everyone is different, but success with one technology doesn’t really correlate with the other.

Well, do you remember seeing the 3D and finding it cool and comfortable?

It’s a single independent developer that the entire 3D community relies upon. Yes, their site looks outdated, but it’s a free tool so you can’t expect too much.

I was hanging out with a friend last night who talked about this, he said only the paid version of DaVinci has 3D video support, so you’ll need whichever one that is.

I mean…either the default 3D content or any of the many free 3D apps on the store will instantly tell both you and me whether it’s your choice of videos, or whether it’s either your eyes or the device. I’d recommend trying it and finding out.

To be clear, experiencing cross-talk with almost every piece of content you play back is not normal. No one would buy the Lume Pad 2 if that was their experience with it. There should be no visible cross-talk most of the time, a small bit some of the time, and rarely you run into some 3D content that’s high-contrast and high-disparity where there is tons of cross-talk and it looks awful. I basically never run into content like that. Like, I can count how many times I’ve had that experience with Lume Pad 2 since launch on one hand.

Alternatively, you could also just share the content you’re experiencing this with to the forum. Me (or others) can test it and see if the issue is with the content or your device.


It’s all SBS videos. I have no issues with the photos and 2D to 3D. I looked at The Hobbit movie that I got as a part of the bundle for buying the tablet and it was fine.

Okay great! At least now that isolates it to an issue with your content.

Let me know if I can be of further help.

So, in general, most single-screen sterero 3D solutions will have some amount of ghosting (aka cross-talk). You can’t get this on a VR headset because you literally have a screen for each eye. Not only is the display a factor, but also the content. For example, an image with similar colors or low contrast will look better than an image with hard juxtaposition of opposing colors (like black on white). Finally, large separation/disparity between the left and right eyes will exacerbate the issue.

Also, most people just don’t know how to author stereo content or post-process the videos/photos. For some reason people think that a large disparity gives your “more 3D” but this is false. Most of the 3D images I’ve made (like from games, etc.) you can look at the double image (without 3D glasses) and it barely looks any different. And you can still get pretty large amount of depth, within a couple pixels of an offset. Though if you are not creating the virtual camera rig (like in a game engine) and just playing content from other people, then you have limited means to adjust this properly.

I’ve downloaded StereoMovie Maker v1.21. This thing doesn’t seem to be able to open anything but avi mpeg 1/2. It says something about my video not having a FOURCC code.

I do feel like the disparity difference is the issue, but I haven’t been able to find anything to easily fix/edit it. Search results don’t really bring back much of anything
of meaning. It seems like anything on it is severely lacking.